Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday, September 13th: Psalm 109-1110, 2 Corinthians 1 ~ Nathan

Psalm 109 caught my attention from today's reading. The writer talks about how the wicked will slander the righteous in this psalm.

Psalm 109: 11-13
[11]May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor.
[12] May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children.
[13] May his descendants be cut off, their names blotted out from the next generation.

It reminds me of how we may get put down or treated unfairly or even suffer abuse because of our faith in Christ. Suffering is difficult now, but these passages reminded me that us Christians have something glorious to look forward to.

Better times are most definitely ahead for those that trust in the Lord!

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