Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday, November 3rd: Jeremiah 30-31; Philemon ~ Conrad

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is: Jeremiah 30-31; Philemon

"'I am with you and will save you,' declares the Lord.  'Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not completely destroy you.  I will discipline you but only in due measure; I will not let you go entirely unpunished.'"   Jeremiah 30:11

Forgiveness and punishment.  Just because we have asked for forgiveness from the Lord, does not mean that He has removed us from punishment, nor does it relieve us or our loved ones from a painful impact of our sin. 

"This is what the Lord says: 'Your wound is incurable, your injury beyond healing.  There is no one to plead your cause, no remedy for your sore, no healing for you.'"  Jeremiah 30:12-13

How true this is for us today.  Left to our own devices, we are beyond healing with no cure. 

"'But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the Lord."  Jeremiah 30:17a

Thankfully we have this hope in Jesus Christ!

"'Only if the heavens above can be measured and the foundations of the earth below be searched out will I reject all the descendants of Israel because of all they have done,' declares the Lord."  Jeremiah 31:37

Even with science and all the technology at our fingertips today, the measurements in this verse could not be answered.  It would have been unfathomable at the time, and is still incomprehensible today.  Today's reading gave us a glimpse into the restoration of Israel, but it can also provide us with a glimpse and hope in restoration for us too.  

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage: Jeremiah 32-33; Hebrews 1

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