Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday, September 13th: Isaiah 12:1-14:32, 2 Corinthians 13:1-14, Psalm 57:1-11, Proverbs 23:9-11 ~ Tammy

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is   Isaiah 12:1-14:32, 2 Corinthians 13:1-14, Psalm 57:1-11, Proverbs 23:9-11

2 Corinthians 13:7 We pray to God that you will not do what is wrong by refusing our correction.

I know Paul wasn't talking specifically to us in this passage, but it still spoke to me.

Are we quick to accept correction - biblically sound correction from wise Christian whom we respect?

Or are we defensive and quick to justify our sin?

May we be humble enough to accept correction, and willing to listen if someone we love comes to us with a concern.  Simple concept, but so hard to do!

I also love this portion....

11 Dear brothers and sisters,[c] I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you.

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year PassageIsaiah 15:1-18:7, Galatians 1:1-24, Psalm 58:1-11, Proverbs 23:12

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