Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday, 31 July 2015 Psalms 54-56; Acts 21: 1-17 ~ Elizabeth

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is Psalms 54-56; Acts 21:1-17

The psalmist prays for deliverance amidst persecution by family and even strangers. He is confident that God will help as He always has. In times of sudden testing and unexpected trouble, we easily become disillusioned and wonder if God has abandoned us. However, in every trouble, God is our sure helper. The deliverance He provides in Christ, who Himself knew persecution unto death, makes us triumphant despite every appearance to the contrary.

The author finds himself in a town full of wickedness and violence, betrayed by a trusted friend and colleague, with no one to help except God. He turns to the Lord in prayer, entrusting his life to God’s hand with confidence.  When troubles press hard, we may find it easy to give in to our feelings and give up on God. The psalmist’s steadfastness challenges us to trust in God’s mercy.

Even in the midst of danger, David rejoices in God’s love and His certain deliverance from death. When we face trials, we may be tempted to worry about our own welfare or feel like giving up in hopelessness. Instead, we can remember that our problems are nothing new and that God is able to help in every situation. Through these experiences, He strengthens our faith and draws us closer to Jesus Christ, our Savior.

In our NT reading Paul completes his journey to Jerusalem despite warnings about the dangers he will encounter there. Many times, due to fear or lack of understanding, we fail to do the Lord’s will. Contrary to all human logic, God’s plan of salvation was carried out through Christ for the forgiveness of all our failures. This shows us that God can make all things - however fearful or illogical they may seem to us - work out for our good. We are always on His heart.

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage passage:  Psalms 57-59; Acts 21:18-40


Nathan said...

It's interesting to see how both David and Paul are either facing adversity or are about to. Both respond in a willingness to lean on God. Both know that they can trust in The Lord and that they will find victory in the end. Both are great examples for us.

Psalm 56:11

I trust God, so I am not afraid
of what people can do to me!

Pamela said...

10 In God, whose word I praise,
in the Lord, whose word I praise—
11 in God I trust and am not afraid.
What can man do to me?

I'm sure these words of David were exactly Paul's thoughts as he preached against the recommendation from his friends concerned for his safety.

Conrad said...

Psalm 56 has 13 verses and 3 times David says that he will trust in God.

We have no control over our enemies. They will think, say, or do what they want about us. But we do have control over how we choose to react in those circumstances.

We need to be as David, and put our trust in God who is our one true constant.

Tammy said...

What stood out to me in our Psalms passage is that God is the only One who can save us, the only One in whom we can put our trust.

I find it interesting that at some points during his ministry, Paul avoided persecution, and yet here he goes, knowing what is to come. Clearly he is being led by and obedient to the Spirit.