Sunday, January 6, 2013

Tiffany's Testimony

My testimony has always been really difficult for me.  And not because of any some huge, hard to understand, life event, but because, well, it's boring.

My father is a pastor for the Church of the Nazarene.  I grew up going to church every single Sunday.  I don't remember when I "got saved," I just always was.

However, during a Nazarene Youth Congress trip to Ontario, I met God.  I realized, in a room of 9000+ teens, that I didn't really  have a relationship with God.  I knew who He was.  I knew my Dad knew Him.  But I didn't.

And from that moment on, I knew I was saved, I knew God knew ME.  And I knew I could know God.

Fast forward through private Christian college years, 3 years supporting my husband as he worked towards his Masters of Divinity (He's a Nazarene pastor too, surprise, surprise.  His testimony is really good), 3 years attempting to plant a church in South Dakota, and you find me in Iowa, the pastor's wife at a small Nazarene church in a nice sized town (about 10,000 perfect for us). 

We've been here almost 2 years.  I have a wonderful husband, three awesome kids (Curly Girl, 5; Curly Boy, 3.5; Curly Baby, 1.5), a dog I tolerate, 2 little turtles, and a God I trust completely.  Without Him, I could not be a wife or a mother.  Without Him, I could not take on the challenge of a Bible blog!

I hope to share more about myself as the year progresses and I share my thoughts on these books we are studying in-depth.  Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it!


tammi said...

I always think, too, that without a big conversion story, my testimony is pretty ho-hum. But I keep reminding myself, the story really isn't about me... the grace of God is what makes ALL testimonies amazing! God is so good, whether He calls us from a hard life of blatant sin, or a "normal," seemingly-good-but-still-spiritually-dead life. ;)

Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself ~ it's nice to meet you and great to have you on board!!

Miriam said...

Thank you, Tiffany, it's nice to "meet" you. I think we can all agree that the transformation we experience when we finally do begin a real relationship with God is always a wonderful story, regardless of how exciting the events leading up to it may or may not have been.

Glad you've joined our journey. Looking forward to learning together.

Tammy said...

Thanks so much for sharing with us, Tiffany. Your testimony sounds a lot like mine as well. I just love how God can work through all of us, no matter our stories, to accomplish His purposes for His glory - and that's what makes all of our stories "exciting"!

Pamela said...
