Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 12 - Kathryn

Today's reading from the Chronological OT/NT Reading Plan is Micah 4-5, Acts 21:18-40

Increasingly I am convinced we are living in the end.  Now I know when Jesus left he called it the end, but I do mean the end of the end.  At least, I hope so, cuz this ol world, she's been a-moaning and a-groaning way too long.  We could all use a vacation from this torment.

Anyhoo, the thing that struck me about the Roman's passage today was the sheer violence and uproar Paul started.  The man was beaten and thrown into jail!  The passage states that the whole city was aroused.  This is quite a riot.

When I am the cause of a disruption, no matter how small, and even if I am totally in the right, I feel guilty.  I want to back down and just 'keep the peace'.  I am terrified of getting in trouble and starting it.  I don't get the feeling these things bothered Paul.  Granted, I don't think he wanted to start a riot, but he wasn't into backing down.

I guess my point is, there is a day soon coming when we will be accused of being wrong.  Where what we say will incense people.  And not just a little 'agree to disagree' people will be ticked.  When I make people mad by something I've done I begin to question whether I am truly right.  How did Paul, and us when the time comes, not begin to second guess himself?  I mean when someone is beating you do you begin to doubt?  I've never been in that sort of situation before and to worry about future things is pointless, because often the Lord steps in and strengthens us.  I can only assume this was true for Paul.  I pray, I pray we are preparing as best we can now, through the word, through prayer and through just spending time in the presence of God.  Practicing the presence, so that we can know it when it comes on us.

Lord God Almighty, teach us Your truth.  Teach us how to stand and be strong for You.  Strengthen us in Your spirit and in Your word.  Help us to practice your presence.  Amen.

Tomorrow's passage: Micah 6-7, Acts 22


Pamela said...

Your thoughts "Where what we say will incense people. And not just a little 'agree to disagree' people will be ticked. " made me think of a conversation I had with my brother -in-law over the weekend. We were discussing the banana on the ice news story where someone threw a banana on the ice where a black hockey player was skating and it is believed to be a racist incident. My brother-in-law was defending the incident saying that when we start censoring people's beliefs it is going to be a slippery slope into an intolerance to Christianity as well. Interesting thoughts. I think he might be a little right...

tammi said...

I had the same argument when that couple was accused of hate crimes when their little kid showed up to school wearing a swastika drawn on her skin. As sad as it is, those parents have the same rights I do to indoctrinate their children with whatever nonsense and filth they want to. If that right gets taken away from them, mine might be next.

Tim Challies had a thought-provoking post today along this same line.

Tammy said...

"When I make people mad by something I've done I begin to question whether I am truly right."

Just one more reason to be grounded in the Word so thoroughly that we KNOW we are right, no matter the reaction from those around us (whether they are believers or not). Knowing the Word, knowing God, knowing Truth - and having the courage to stand.