The last three psalms are victory celebrations and hymns of praise as all of creation glorifies Him, the only One who is worthy of our praise. Do we live as though He is the only One worthy of our praise? And do we choose to praise, no matter our circumstances?
In our John passage we see the difference between John's baptism and the baptism of Jesus. John baptized with water as a preparatory baptism of repentance and symbolized the washing away of sins. However, Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit, sending the Spirit upon all believers, empowering them (and us!) to live out and teach the message of salvation. This outpouring of the Spirit didn't come until Pentecost, but John speaks of it here already.
John the Baptist's job was to point people to Jesus - we need to do the same.
Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage passage: Judges 1-3; John 2
6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
The disciples did more than just praise the Lord...they dropped everything to follow Him.
John 1:46
Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.”
The comment that Nathanael made is the same I've made many times, sometimes without knowing it or actually saying it in those words. I label certain parts of our city or country in a certain way and think that all the people there are the same. God is different and sees value in every area and all people.
Many of the Psalms talk about praising God and this passage was no different. It caused me to wonder if I praise Him enough for what He has done? For his creation - the friends and family I have. Redeeming me. Caring for me. Providing for me. Showing me love and compassion. For guiding me.
He is definitely worthy of all our praise!
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