Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday, April 16-guest post by Pamela

Today's reading from the Chronological OT/NT Reading Plan is Judges 7-8; Luke 13:23-35.

Scripture: Judges 7:2 2The LORD said to Gideon, "The people with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand,(D)lest Israel boast over me, saying, 'My own hand has saved me.'

Observation: When the impossible is accomplished, we are forced to recognize that it is all about God.

Application: I'll be the first to admit that it is a whole lot easier to be thankful to God when things are going right (or my way!). It is much more difficult to be thankful or praise filled when things are not going well or when things seem out of control. It is increasingly difficult and extremely hard when things are not going according to plan and/or things are impossible. However, it is through these times that God draws us in, holds us close, and reminds us that we are never alone and that He is in control. God sometimes asks us to surrender our ideas, (our plans, our needs, our security, our safety) and take a leap of faith, (step out onto the water, into the furnace, serve the loaves and fishes) in order to truly see that the impossible IS possible through God.

Surrendering is not easy. In fact, the world tells us to be independent and self reliant and we don't need anyone. God asks us to separate ourselves from this and rely fully on Him. He sometimes places us in impossible situations just to give us a glimpse of His power over everything. This strengthens our faith and makes us less reliant on our own knowledge and more willing to accept His leading. When things seem possible by our own hard work or by our capabilities it is easy to forget that everything is designed by God and that we do not accomplish anything without God already knowing what is going to happen. When we are successful on our own, it's too easy to think we did it ourselves. I was recently awarded the Outstanding New Teacher award for our province and it was an honour to receive such recognition so early in my career. I did not do this by myself, God blessed me through opening doors in university, supplying the student loans that I needed right at the right time, blessing me with financial gifts and awards to off set the cost of student loans, health to complete my degree without missing a single day in 5 years of classes due to illness, childcare for children, memory to do well on tests and exams, and a passion for teaching. God gave me all of these things-His gifts to me. I can think I did this all on my own but that would be an extreme lie. God made this all possible.

It's still not easy to submit to God's plan when it seems impossible. When I hear about a 4 year old boy's parents being spoken to about palliative care, it's hard to imagine a full and complete recovery. When I hear about couples struggling with infertility, it's hard to imagine them ever having a child. When I hear about the immorality and promiscuity that abounds among high school students, it's hard to imagine that my children will be able to withstand and avoid the temptation to give themselves away before marriage. God makes all things possible (Matthew 19:26). It's not about us or what we can do, it's about God and what he is capable of. When Gideon's army is reduced from 32, 000 to just 300, there was no human way possible for that army to defeat the Midianites and yet they did. People are miraculously healed, infertile couples get pregnant, young people remain pure--these impossible situations are possible but only through prayer and petition and the faith that God can make it possible in His timing and in His way.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Oh Holy and Awesome Lord. We want to do it by ourselves. We think our way is best, we think we know what we are doing, and we ignore you. Thank you for reminding us through impossible situations that You are in control. Help us to see these are growing opportunities. Give us Your wisdom to know that You know best and that Your plan is perfect. Amen.

Tomorrow's passage: Judges 9-10 - Luke 14:1-24


tammi said...

Amen. Great post, Pam.

Tammy said...

Thanks Pam. Clinging to the knowledge that God is in control, and praying that He will be glorified through miraculous healing.

Miriam said...

Great post, Pam! Congratulations on your award.

Gideon's story is so amazing... it's sad that he and the Israelites were ensnared by idolatry, after all that God did in front of their very eyes.