Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday, September 4-guest post by Pamela

Today's reading from the One Year Bible Chronological Reading Plan is Ezekiel 40:38-43:27.

Ok, who read through today's readings and thought "I am so glad that I don't have to write about today's readings!!" I don't know if I am the only one, but I find these kinds of passages tough to get through. There just seems to be so many details and it is sometimes hard to stay focused on what I am reading. Well, as I struggled through the passages wondering what in the world I would have to comment on, I turned to my old friend (the internet) to see what others have found to be noteworthy. I found this site and thought I would share some of the things that it highlighted:

First, God is a God of Details
In Ezekiel chapters 40 and 41, it goes into depth about furnishings, measurements, ledges, supports, cubits and doors... (oh my!) Each instruction is carefully given and checked for accuracy. "God is a God of precision. God is a God of detail. God is an organized God." When we look around and see His awesome creation we can see a demonstration of His precision and His attention to detail. "I mean, look at our own human bodies and all our internal organs. We are wonderfully made by a God who is a God of precision and detail." God is a God of details and it extends to His church today. "If God showed this much organization and care for Ezekiel's Temple, do you suppose he continues to show his organization and care for our local churches today?"

Second, We have a perfect example of full obedience
This small verse (Ezekiel 41:3) did not even stand out for me when I read it through it but when I read this, I thought this was very interesting.
"This is interesting in that the angelic being leading Ezekiel through this vision and the temple enters the Most Holy Place - Ezekiel does not. Even though it's a vision. And even though God's presence is not in the Most Holy Place at this time (we'll see the Presence coming next chapter). Yet Ezekiel does not enter. Why? Because the law was that only the High Priest could enter the Most Holy Place. This shows great obedience on Ezekiel's part! Even in a vision, he's obedient. Are there areas of our life where God is calling us to be obedient? Even if we think our obedience in a specific circumstance or situation won't matter (e.g. a vision or a dream or even a small circumstance in real life) - will we still be obedient?"

Third, We are to desire absolute Holiness, separate from all else
I immediately thought of this verse,
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20).
Although, this verse is often used when talking about modesty or pre-marital relationships, I think it can also extend beyond that. We have been bought for a price and that does make us separate from the ways of the world. Just like a temple is set aside as a holy place (and even within that holy place there is an even holier place!) we are to be separate.
"The last part of [chapter 42 verse 20] stands out - to separate the holy places from the common. I wonder about that in our lives - do we do anything that separates the holy from the common in our own lives? Do we need to? My thought here is that if we don't allow for some "holy places" to appear in our lives, might we just settle for common places throughout our lives? A Holy Place for us might be 5 minutes of prayer. Or 15 minutes of reading the Bible. Or going to a church service. Or listening to worship music. Or not scheduling anything one day a week, so we can take a Sabbath day of rest. What are you doing to create some Holy Places in your life?"

Ok, so maybe these verses do have something important to say! Once again, I was reminded about God's ability to meet us through his word. Even though I am famously behind on my readings and I would have long since given up if I had been on my own, the responsibility of having to read deeply twice a month has really challenged me and I am thankful for the nudge. It definitely reinforces, to me, the necessity of belonging to a community of believers to lift us up and support us.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for this reminder that all of your word is practical and relevant and necessary. Thanks for being detail oriented, giving us examples of character traits You want for us to have, and reminding us of what we are striving for. Lord, sometimes in our haste, we miss these important lessons by not digging deep enough into your word. Thank you for Tammy and the others who post on this blog as well as the many others who post their commentaries and ideas online so that when we struggle through what seems to be boring and irrelevant that we can better understand the purpose behind it. Amen.

Tomorrow's passage: Ezekiel 44:1-46:24


Tammy said...

Thanks Pam - there sure was a lot to glean from the readings today! That was some great insight. I hadn't noticed those little verses either.

I haven't had time to read it yet, but there's a sermon on these chapters here if anyone's interested (including a diagram of the temple)

tammi said...

I have trouble focusing on passages like these too, but it's amazing what we find when we do! I didn't notice that particular verse, but the ones that stood out for me were 43:10-11 where the voice from inside the temple says to Ezekiel:

"Son of man, describe the temple to the people of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their sins. Let them consider the plan, and if they are ashamed of all they have done, make known to them the design of the temple—its arrangement, its exits and entrances—its whole design and all its regulations and laws. Write these down before them so that they may be faithful to its design and follow all its regulations."

This is kind of like the key, the reason for all the details and possibly the reason for this entire vision ~ that Israel would see God's greatness, His holiness, His sovereignty, and decide to return to Him.

I can't help but think of the countless houseplans my dad used to bring home all the time. (Pam and Tammy, I know you'll understand this!) On the front page, you get just the drawings of what the finished house will look like from the street, but on the remaining pages are the COUNTLESS details necessary to make not only the outside appearance a reality, but that will make the inside a functioning reality as well ~ all the things the owner needs and wants in order to make the house a real home.

It seems here like God's handing Ezekiel the houseplans for His proposed dwelling place among His people, and He wants the prophet to show off the first page ~ the "artist's renderings" ~ in hopes that the people will then DESIRE the details.

I think He wants the same for us, that in seeing some of His work ~ like when we view and marvel at His creation all around us, or when He answers prayers in very obvious ways ~ we would desire the details and crave greater understanding of His character; His desire and will for us.

Alicia said...

I too have a hard time with these (and I'm about to dive into writing for tomorrow! yikes).
Those were good points to highlight though.

My thought from all this was God seeming to want to impress on His people how important this is to him, the place where he can dwell with them. He desires commuion with his creation intensely.

Alicia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alicia said...

the last comment was me saying there was not link to tomorrow but then I found it...silly me.:)

Tammy said...

Tammi - so true!