Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sunday, December 11 - I Peter 1-5 - Kelora

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is I Peter 1-5

There is a lot of information to cover in these passages but I will highlight just a few points that jumped out at me.  

In my Life Application Bible I liked what it said about I Peter 1.  It said Peter may have been writing to new especially to new Christians and those planning to be baptized.  Peter wanted to warn them about what lay ahead and they needed his encouraging words to help them face opposition.  This letter is still helpful for any Christians facing trials.  It is interesting to me that even though this letter was written so long ago that we can still learn from these verses.  The theme in this chapter is hope which is so wonderful.  I love in verse 3 & 4 where it talks about an inheritance that cannot perish or fade and is kept in heaven for us.  In verse 6 and 7 it talks about experiencing and suffering trials and that because of these trials our faith will be strengthened.  It is hard in the moment when experiencing a hardship to see the big picture and remember that there is a reason for it and that because of this we grow in our faith and see God's purpose.

Another verse that stood out for me was I Peter 3:15  "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping  a clear conscience . . ."  This verse reminded me that I need to consistently be diligent in reading the Bible and praying so that when I am asked about my faith that I may respond and answer questions confidently.  It also made me think am I prepared to talk about God and what he has done in my life when asked?  

The last verse I will point out is I Peter 4:10  "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others".  This verse made me think what my gifts are and if I am using them to serve others.  We all have been given gifts to use and this was a good reminder to me to remember to use them for God's glory.

There are many many more lessons to be learned from all these chapters but these verses are the ones that stood out the most for me.

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage:  2 Peter 1-3

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I noted the same verses, particularly the one about being ready to give an answer for the hope we have.