Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday, June 26th: Isaiah 10 - 12, 17 - Kelora

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is Isaiah 10 - 12, 17 

In the opening verses in Isaiah 10, the verses talk about the fact that God will judge those who make unjust laws.  This reinforces the fact that we are all accountable to God for what we do.  Further on in this chapter it talks about God's Judgment on Assyria.  When I first read these verses I wasn't sure what I could learn from them.  After reading some commentaries I learned that even though Assyria did not know they were part of God's plan, God still used them to accomplish His plan even though they rejected Him.  I found this to be very interesting.  

Isaiah 10:12
12 When the Lord has finished all his work against Mount Zion and Jerusalem, he will say, “I will punish the king of Assyria for the willful pride of his heart and the haughty look in his eyes. 

This verse was a reminder to me that the Assyria thought they had accomplished everything in their own power.  This is a reminder to me to remember that God should be given the credit for any of my accomplishments.

I particularly enjoyed reading Isaiah 12.  This chapter is a hymn of praise and that not only should we give thanks for God but also to tell others about Him.

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage:  2 Kings 16:10-18, 2 Chronicles 28:16-25, 2 Kings 18:1-8, 2 Chronicles 29:1-2, 2 Kings 15:30-31, 2 Kings 17:1-4


Nathan said...

Isaiah 11:2
The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him—
the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and of might,
the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord—

A verse that stood out to me, it shows a turning and change, a change in the form of a son named Jesus about to enter the world

Tammy said...

Gods sovereignty is amazing and on clear display in these chapters. He rules, whether we acknowledge it or not.