Thursday, June 23, 2016

Thursday, June 23rd: Amos 6-9 ~ Jeannine

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is Amos 6-9

These passages seem to have a running theme...People's sin, complaceny, comfort and pride vs. God's judgment and punishment. Amos pulls no punches as he describes the sins of the Israelites.  He's bold enough that Amaziah tries to stop Amos's preaching (Amos 7:10-17). But Amos continues relating the visions that God has given him about the future judgements.  After all the judgement, the book of Amos concludes with a message of hope that God will eventually make his people great again and restore them.

These are good questions to ask ourselves...

Have we grown complacent?  Do we ignore those in need? Have other things taken God's place in our lives? Are we obeying God's call on our lives?  Do we give regular time to rest and worship God and is our heart in the right place?

We've been given God's word as our "Plumb Line" so we can know what God desires of us and for us.  We should not assume and be complacent in our faith but let God's love and desires shine through our actions and out to the people around us.

Sinners will not go free and the faithful will not be forgotten. But the good news is that he is always willing to restore us.

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage2Kings 14:28-29, 2 Kings 15:8-29, 2 Kings 15:6-7, 2 Chronicles 26:22-23, Isaiah 6:1-13, 2 Kings 15:32-38, 2 Chronicles 27:1-9
29, 2 Kings 15:6
7, 2 Chronicles
23, Isaiah 6:1
13, 2 Kings 15:32
38, 2 Chronicles 27:1


Tammy said...

Good and tough questions to ask ourselves!

So thankful for the hope we have in Jesus. Restoration is always possible!

Conrad said...

Complacency does not lead to growth so asking ourselves those questions is good.