Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday, May 16: Psalm 144, 145, 88, 89, 50 ~ Tammy

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is Psalm 144, 145, 88, 89, 50

I love all the imagery in Psalm 144 - God is our rock, our fortress, our tower of safety, our shield.  There are also vivid pictures of His creative power - erupting volcanoes and hurling lightning bolts. The God who cares for us is all-powerful!

Psalm 88 is written in great despair and is one of the few psalms that does not provide any answers or even any expressions of hope.  A reminder that no matter how low we feel, we can always bring our problems and sorrows to God.  There is nothing wrong with expressing our emotions to God and resting in the fact that He knows and understands our misery.

Thankfully there are other psalms that do talk about the hope that we have in Jesus!

I love the promise in Psalm 89 to preserve David's descendants which is fulfilled in Jesus Christ who will reign forever in eternity.

Psalm 50 is a reminder that God is more concerned with our inner being than our outward actions - and reminded me of our sermon yesterday.  May both our visible actions and our inner thoughts reflect our right relationship with God through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage: Psalms 73-77


Nathan said...

Psalm 50:23
But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.
If you keep to my path,
I will reveal to you the salvation of God.”

A good reminder from Tammy about our sermon yesterday and from our reading in chapter 50,to keep our inside clean and not just to worry about keeping our outside clean, which is the only part most see.

This verse sums up to me where we need to start, by being truly thankful to God and letting Him know that we're thankful to Him. Doing this first, remembering daily what He has all done for us and given us, then going out and trying to honor Him with how we live.

Conrad said...

My faithfulness and unfailing love will be with him, and by my authority he will grow in power. Psalm 89:24

Everything we have is from God. It is because of His faithfulness, His love, and His authority that we succeed. Not because of us.