Today's scripture focus: Hebrews 10:15-18
15 The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. First he says:
16 “This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.”
17 Then he adds:
“Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”
18 And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.
I. Will. Remember. No. More.
Wow. What would it be like to "remember no more"?
My son has been struggling with lying. It's hard as a parent to try and discourage lying as a habit when it seems to happen a bit too often. Last week, we caught Kaden in a lie and it was impossible for me to bring up previous offences. I don't want lying to be a habit, I don't want lying to become easy, and I don't want to be in a constant place of mistrust with Kaden. However, does reminding Kaden of all his previous failures in this area make him more likely to lie again because he believes that we consider him a liar anyway??
Years ago, Conrad and I took a parenting course and it told us to proclaim in words what we wanted to be true and that saying it can make it happen...a self-proclaiming prophecy if you want to call it that. Instead of the negative association with this label, the parenting course said to use it in a positive way such as "wow! we have such a great family" , "You play so well with your brother and sister" , "You are so great at cleaning up" , "You share so well" etc. etc. etc. I believe that the opposite happens far too often and it becomes true...such as "Kaden, you are always lying", "I can't trust you", "Can I believe what you are saying?".
As this verse says, I want to forgive in a way that "remembers no more" to give Kaden a clean slate and a fresh start just like my Father has given me for the times I have failed. The many, many, many times I have failed. I am thankful for the times that God has revealed Kaden's untruthfulness and how it has allowed a swift response to the offense. I need to remember to allow the punishment to cancel to debt and let it go. I need to start training myself to send messages that "I believe you Kaden", "I know you are telling me the truth", "I am so glad that I can trust you" and truly begin to "remember no more".
Tomorrow's scripture focus: Hebrews 10:19-25
Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage passage: Ex 39-40
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