Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9th

Today's readings from the One Year Chronological Reading Plan are Numbers 30:1-31:54.

Chapter 30 discusses vows voluntarily made to the Lord. It is a good reminder that even though society today often thinks it's no big deal to break our vows - promises made to each other, business contracts (bankruptcy), marriage contracts (divorce for unbiblical reasons) - to God it is a big deal, it is sin. Therefore, we must be very careful what promises we make - we should not be hasty and we should be people of our word.

Chapter 31 talks about the Israelites wiping out the Midianites, including Balaam who, instead of cursing the Israelites, had tried to cause their demise by tempting them into sexual sin and idolatry. Normally women and children were spared from death in times of war, but the boys had to be killed in order to eradicate the Midianites, and the women (who were not virgins) had to be killed to prevent a return to the sexual immorality that caused the last plague. This seems so harsh to us, especially since we're so distanced from the reality of war (especially as it existed back then). But it serves to remind us of God's holiness, and the fact that sin needs to be dealt with entirely.

Another reminder from this story is the importance of giving our money to God, and to those in need. This was not optional in Biblical times, and it shouldn't be optional now either. God will bless us for giving to Him.

Tomorrow's readings: Numbers 32:1-33:56.

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