Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Wednesday, August 14th: Nehemiah 7:73-9:21, 1 Corinthians 9:1-18, Psalm 33:12-22, Proverbs 21:11-12 ~ Tammy

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is Nehemiah 7:73-9:21, 1 Corinthians 9:1-18, Psalm 33:12-22, Proverbs 21:11-12

Psalm 33:20-22
We put our hope in the Lord.
    He is our help and our shield.
21 In him our hearts rejoice,
    for we trust in his holy name.
22 Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord,
    for our hope is in you alone.

This is a great passage reminding us where our hope and help comes from.  God often works through human hands, but we are to remember to be dependent on Him alone.

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage:  Nehemiah 9:22-10:39, 1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13, Psalm 34:1-10, Proverbs 21;13

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