Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday, July 17th:Psalm 130,132,134-136~ Jay

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is: Psalm 130,132,134-136

There were several key thoughts that jumped out at me as I read through today’s passages.

1)      The passage that speaks about the fact that God does not keep a record of sins, but if he did….. who would stand.  Lord, if you kept a record of our sins, who O Lord, could ever survive? But you offer forgiveness, that we might learn to fear you. Psalm 130:3-4
To me this hits home the reality that no person could stand before God with any confidence that they are blameless.  How often do we hear people rationalize that God wouldn’t send me to hell because generally I’m a good person.  No one can stand on their own merits and it is only through his sacrifice and our confession of sins / acceptance of that sacrifice that we confidence of eternal life.

2)      The second part of the above verse stood out to me as well.  As people who are forgiven…this should lead us to fear Him.  How often do we think of that?  Are we robotic in the sense that when we sin we confess and ask for His forgiveness or do we come in humbleness with a true respect for what the consequences could be eternally if we are not forgiven?

3)      In Psalm 135:6-10 it states:   The Lord does whatever pleases him throughout all heaven and earth, and on the seas and in their depths. He causes the clouds to rise over the whole earth.
    He sends the lightning with the rain and releases the wind from his storehouses.

He destroyed the firstborn in each Egyptian home, both people and animals.
He performed miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt against Pharaoh and all his people.
10 He struck down great nations and slaughtered mighty kings—
How often do we hear people talk about “Mother Nature” during a lightning storm and how powerful she is….I wonder if God is amused by the simple thinking of people or hurt by the way the pinnacle of His creation (man), created with the ability to reason and discern, attributes evidence of His power to imaginary beings.  Witnessing a couple of powerful storms over the past number of weeks, this should serve to remind us of the awesome power that our God has.  The next time I see and feel a powerful storm, I have challenged myself to think of these verses and remember that this display of power and might witnessed during the storm is from the same God that caused the firstborn in Egypt to die and brought His people of slavery.  How awesome is He. 

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage:

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Great thoughts today Jay. Our God is truly more awesome and powerful than we can ever comprehend! How great is His love that He would extend us mercy when we are so undeserving.