Saturday, December 19, 2015

Saturday, December 19th: Nehemiah 1-3, Luke 19:1-27 ~ Tammy

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is Nehemiah 1-3; Luke 19:1-27

Nehemiah is a great example of a man who expected God to do what only God can do, but who also did everything he could.  He was grieved about the condition of Jerusalem, but he didn't just despair over it.  He prayed, pouring out his heart to God.  And then he looked for way to improve the situation, using all his knowledge, experience, and organization into figuring out what needed to be done.

This is a great way to approach a crisis or time of tragedy.  First, pray. Then find ways to move beyond grief into action, knowing that without God's strength, our own efforts are in vain.

So often we neglect the prayer part of that equation.  Nehemiah didn't. His prayer was one of praise, thanksgiving, repentance, request, and commitment.  This is a great prayer pattern to follow in order to put things into proper perspective and receive God's guidance on the situation.

Our NT parable illustrates that God expects us to use the gifts and talents He's given us for His kingdom. We will be held accountable for our stewardship.

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage passage: Nehemiah 4-6; Luke 19:28-48


Conrad said...

It is important to remember that God has a plan, but just like Nehemiah, He uses us to have the plan come to fruition. It is easy to fall into the mindset that all we have to do is pray. But that is only the first step. God will equip us like He did for Nehemiah, as we step out in faith and obedience.

Pamela said...

I appreciated your thoughts on how to deal with tragedy: First, pray. Then find ways to move beyond grief into action, knowing that without God's strength, our own efforts are in vain.

So often I forget to pray first.