Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thursday, November 26th: 2 Chronicles 15-16, Luke 7:31-50 ~ Tammy

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is 2 Chronicles 15-16; Luke 7:31-50

Our passage in 2 Chronicles reminded me of the importance of consistency in the Christian life, and faithfully continuing to pursue holiness day after day, year after year.

King Asa had wholeheartedly committed himself and his people to following God.  But he forgot God's faithfulness in battle, and relied on pagan nations instead of on God alone.

It is so tempting to make human resourcefulness our go to, and yet God should always be our go to in every situation.

In our NT passage we see the beauty of understanding God's grace and forgiveness in light of His glory, His hatred of sin, and the wrath we deserve.  When we truly understand grace, our response to God will be an outpouring of gratitude.

Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage passage: 2 Chronicles 17-18; Luke 8:1-25


Nathan said...

It's easy to get caught up in relying on humans for help. We forget that it's God who gives us humans the ability to do things, like seeing a doctor for help when we're sick. It's God who gives the Doctor the wisdom to find the problems and solutions to our physical sicknesses. This is a good reminder to go to God in prayer for everything and to depend on Him, and not to rely on humans.

Pamela said...

Thinking about the NT passage, my own children have said that after baptism Sunday and all the testimonies shared by the people being baptized that they feel as children raised in a Christian home that their testimony is....well....a bit boring. I'm sure the woman anointing Jesus' feet would have had quite the testimony to share. However whether having a large debt or a small one we all have a debt that we cannot pay. When our debt is paid by someone who didn't owe it, we do have a testimony that is anything but boring.