Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday, May 27th: 2 Kings 15-16, Matthew 14:22-36 ~ tammy

Today's passage from the Bible In a Year Reading Plan is 2 Kings 15-16; Matthew 14:22-36

Over and over we're reading that the kings did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, which he made Israel to sin.   Robert Rayburn aptly points out.... We should shudder at the lasting effect of one man’s infidelity and disobedience. Generations virtually without thought followed Jeroboam in the course he had set. What was so natural for them because Jeroboam had made it normal in Israel was to lead to their ruin and destruction.

Two big reminders in there for us.  We need to make sure we are not blindly committing sin because it is normal.  And we need to be careful not to set up any sinful habits that our children will blindly follow after us.

Watching the steady decline of Israel into stubborn unrepentant sin - despite the preaching of Hosea, Amos, Micah, and Isaiah - unfortunately reminds me of the spiritual decline of Canada and America.  Yes, there is a faithful remnant, but a large portion of the church has simply succumbed to society's worldview and is, quite frankly, dying.  Therein lies the challenge for us - if the light is dying, how much more must we ensure that we do not keep our candle under the basket.

In our NT passage, I always love the story of Jesus walking on the water, and Peter's willingness to get out of the boat.  Yes, he falters and gives in to his fear - but originally he stepped out in faith, and when he did falter, he knew exactly who to turn to for help.  His faith was well-placed - Jesus always stands ready to rescue us when we recognize our inability to save ourselves and call on Him to save us.

I believe, help my unbelief!

 Tomorrow's Bible In a Year Passage passage: 2 Kings 17-18; Matthew 15:1-20


Nathan said...

The first thoughts I always have, when we continually read about both Isreal and Judah's turning from God, is why can't they see their own sin and turn back to God? It's so obvious in the bible that when they turn to God then good things happen. But then I look at myself and see that I too sin, and if left unchecked and not forgiven, can grow into full rebellion from God.

Conrad said...

In the NT we read that while Jesus dismissed the crowd He also sent His disciples on ahead of him so He could pray. Jesus showed a great example of the importance of prayer and spending time with God as He tried earlier but was interupted by the crowds following Him.

Sometimes I feel like rushing through my devotion because I've had a busy day or I'm just tired. I need to remember to treat my prayer and devotional time as my top priority of each day.

Pamela said...

Good point about Peter and that he DID have faith to get out of the boat AND he did know who to turn to when his faith was weak. I think about Judas being so intimately close to Jesus and witnessing first hand these miracles...and yet still being willing to betray Jesus for personal gain. It seems unbelievable...