Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10th

Today's reading from the One Year Bible Chronological Reading Plan is Acts 8-9

What struck me in today's passage was that God can use anyone He chooses, to spread the Good News.

He used Saul (before his conversion) and his persecution of the church to force the believers to scatter, fulfilling the command of Act 1:8b You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

He used Stephen's preaching and his martyrdom to further the kingdom.

He used Simon the Sorcerer to draw a crowd to listen to Philip preach the Good News.

He used Philip in Samaria as well as on the desert road when he witnessed to the Ethiopian who was in an influential position with Candace, the Queen of Sheba.

He undoubtedly used this influential Ethiopian to spread the Good News there as well.

He used Ananias and his obedience (despite what I'm sure was intense fear!) to fill Saul with the Holy Spirit.

He used Aeneas, a paralytic.

He used Tabitha/Dorcas - a woman who was always doing good and helping the poor.

He used the disciples who performed wondrous signs and miracles, including healing the sick and raising the dead (Dorcas).

And, of course, He used Saul/Paul, who was the single greatest influence on the history of Christianity (apart from Jesus Himself, of course).

Now that's quite a range of people, places and circumstances, wouldn't you say?!

God can and will use us no matter what our qualifications, no matter what our gifts, no matter what our strengths, no matter what our weaknesses.

Because, after all - it's not about us. It's about Him.

Tomorrow's passage: Acts 10-12:5


tammi said...

It is truly amazing to look back and see the hand of God in all this. I really hope I do a good job of retelling the stories of God's goodness and providence in my life, so that my girls will be inspired to do the same with their children, and so that future generations will see the amazing work of God, His over-arching purposes, over time.

Miriam said...

I don't know if it's because I'm spending more time reading the Bible, spending more time with Christian friends, more involved in church, having a greater desire to follow God's will for MY life, noticing God's hand at work more in my own life, or a combination of all of these things, but I've noticed lately on several occasions someone I know being at a certain place at a certain time because there was someone they needed to talk to, a sermon they needed to hear, etc. God is at work in our lives in ways we may not always notice, or perhaps not realize until later.