Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Guest Post By Alicia

Today's reading from the One Year Bible Chronological Reading Plan is Nehemiah 3:7:3

Scripture: Nehemiah 4:6 So we built the wall and the whole wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.

Observation: I remember this being a Teen Missions verse we had to memorize. At the time I thought they were using the bible to make us work:). I did not enjoy TMI my first year, but it grew on me and I ended up loving it. Still, this verse was quoted a lot for team unity and diligence on the mission field. Yet, when I really learned what that verse meant was when our Pastor went through this series at our church. Unfortunately they are no longer on our church site (though he just finished a few years going through Acts which was excellent so when we get there the links will be great. We are blessed with a great expository pastor who trained at The Master's Seminary under John MacArthur's leadership. I learned about church body unity and the importance of the work God has each of us focused on. These people faced incredible opposition and potential for great discouragement, mainly in themselves. Having a heart to work had to have a lot to do with getting over themselves and realizing what they did was for God and not about or for them. They learned to run the race that Paul spoke of later.
Application: Having a mind to work demands a lot. It means not letting discouragement nest in our minds and hearts. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and not our failings. It also means not sitting down and expecting others to do our part in the kingdom. Even if our part is changing diapers and taking cookies to our neighbor or helping out at our kids school and planting seeds there. The work God has for use is part of the walls of his amazing Kingdom! Every stone is important and cannot be missing.
Prayer: Lord, help us to have unity. Help the church to have a mind to work, and to work TOGETHER. Help us let go of where we have let you down or ignore the darts of the enemy against us that would slow us down or even stop us in our tracks. More than anything, help us keep our eyes on you and your purposes. May we have joy in seeing your walls being built today whether literally or figuratively in your Kingdom.

Tomorrow's passage:
Nehemiah 8:13-10:39


tammi said...

This parallels so closely our work in our local churches. Can you imagine if EVERYONE did their jobs enthusiastically? Can you imagine how much the Church universal could accomplish if we'd all "put our shoulders to the work"??!

Tammy said...

Oh Tammi, you are so right! If everyone would use their gifts in just one way, we would accomplish so much!